
Monday, October 5, 2009

Primitive Obsession: Replace State-Altering Conditionals with State

Continuiamo con lo smell: Primitive Obsession


Gestire le condizioni dello stato di un oggetto è complicato e complesso.
Un esempio di logica errata:
while (command != 'e')
Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to do now?");
Console.Write("Move Attack Stop Run Panic CalmDown Exit the game: ==>");
string choice;
choice = Console.ReadLine();
while (choice == null);

command = choice[0];

switch (char.ToLower(command))
case 'm':
if (ply.CurrentState == "Stop" || ply.CurrentState == "CalmDown")
ply.CurrentState = "Move";
Console.WriteLine("You need to stop moving first!!!");
case 'a':
if (ply.CurrentState == "Stop" || ply.CurrentState == "CalmDown")
ply.CurrentState = "Attack";
Console.WriteLine("You need to stop moving first!!!");
case 'p':
ply.CurrentState = "Panic";
case 'e':
Console.Write("Thank you for playing!");
Console.Write("Error, try again");


La prima motivazione al refactoring di questo codice è quella di controllare l’espansione esponeziale delle condizioni di controllo che si andranno a creare/aggiungere.
Tramite lo State pattern, si creerà una classe che si occuperà di gestire tutti gli stati di transazione dell’oggetto.

Ecco come si mostrerà il codice di sopra applicando il State:

public class Context
public IState State { get; set; }
public void Request(char c)
string result;
switch (char.ToLower(c))
case 'm': result = State.Move(this); break;
case 'a': result = State.Attack(this); break;
case 's': result = State.Stop(this); break;
case 'r': result = State.Run(this); break;
case 'p': result = State.Panic(this); break;
case 'c': result = State.CalmDown(this); break;
case 'e':
result = "Thank you for playing \"The RPC Game\"";
result = "Error, try again";

public interface IState
string Move(Context context);
string Attack(Context context);
string Stop(Context context);
string Run(Context context);
string Panic(Context context);
string CalmDown(Context context);

// There are four States
class RestingState : IState
public string Move(Context context)
context.State = new MovingState();
return "You start moving";
public string Attack(Context context)
context.State = new AttackingState();
return "You start attacking the darkness";
public string Stop(Context context)
return "You are already stopped!";
public string Run(Context context)
return "You cannot run unless you are moving";
public string Panic(Context context)
context.State = new PanickingState();
return "You start Panicking and begin seeing things";
public string CalmDown(Context context)
return "You are already relaxed";

class AttackingState : IState
public string Move(Context context)
return "You need to stop attacking first";
public string Attack(Context context)
return "You attack the darkness for " + (new Random().Next(20) + 1) + " damage";
public string Stop(Context context)
context.State = new RestingState();
return "You are calm down and come to rest";
public string Run(Context context)
context.State = new MovingState();
return "You Run away from the fray";
public string Panic(Context context)
context.State = new PanickingState();
return "You start Panicking and begin seeing things";
public string CalmDown(Context context)
context.State = new RestingState();
return "You fall down and sleep";

class PanickingState : IState
public string Move(Context context)
return "You move around randomly in a blind panic";
public string Attack(Context context)
return "You start attacking the darkness, but keep on missing";
public string Stop(Context context)
context.State = new MovingState();
return "You are start relaxing, but keep on moving";
public string Run(Context context)
return "You run around in your panic";
public string Panic(Context context)
return "You are already in a panic";
public string CalmDown(Context context)
context.State = new RestingState();
return "You relax and calm down";

class MovingState : IState
public string Move(Context context)
return "You move around randomly";
public string Attack(Context context)
return "You need to stop moving first";
public string Stop(Context context)
context.State = new RestingState();
return "You stand still in a dark room";
public string Run(Context context)
return "You run around in cirles";
public string Panic(Context context)
context.State = new PanickingState();
return "You start Panicking and begin seeing things";
public string CalmDown(Context context)
context.State = new RestingState();
return "You stand still and relax";

static class Program
// The user interface
static void Main()
// context.s are States
// Decide on a starting state and hold onto the Context thus established
Context context = new Context();
context.State = new RestingState();

char command = ' ';
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to \"The State Game\"!");
Console.WriteLine("You are standing here looking relaxed!");
while (command != 'e')
Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to do now?");
Console.Write(" Move Attack Stop Run Panic CalmDown Exit the game: ==>");
string choice;
choice = Console.ReadLine();
while (choice == null);
command = choice[0];

Benefici e non
+ Rimuove o riduce le logiche di cambio di stato.
+ Semplifica condizioni di stato complesse.
+ Aiuta a semplificare il design centralizzando il cambio di stato in un unico punto dell’applicazione.

- Complica il design se le condizioni di cambio di stato sono alquanto semplici/poche.
E non prendete come scusa: “il mio sistema ormai è troppo evoluto per poterne apportare queste migliorie. E’ troppo tardi.”
Se fosse realmente così non esisterebbe il Refactoring :)
Per questo post ho preso spunto da libro Refactoring To Patterns di Joshua Kerievsky.

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